Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarities, differences, and judgements

Tell me what you think.


  1. Hello Ms. De Valois. You're a very talented dancer! I was moved by your performance. I noticed that you and I both had troubled families but we overcame our difficulties to become magnificent artists. You often portray fragile character, as do I. I did, however, notice that you do not like to talk about your past, while I think my past made me who I am today.

  2. Ms. Valois we have a couple things in common such as your parents being artists just like me! I have never tried glass blowing but you mentioned in your interview that your mother was a glass blower, I will have to try that out sometime. Coming from me, I will admit that you are a very talented dancer even though I have no authority to speak because I basically have two left feet.

  3. Hi. I'm Lillian. I noticed that you're a dancer! I'm an actress! We have a lot in common, such as our performing on the stage. It was great how you influenced so much in the dance world. True you did things different than I did, like the shows were in England of coarse, and mine was Broadway but ... O well.

  4. Dear Ms. Valois;
    I found that your dancing was very profound to the artists that followed you. You have come from a struggling family, which I did not, even though I personally struggled to join the arts society after leaving World War One. I enjoy watching your work, and I wish I was able to view your performances more often. Enjoy your dancing!

  5. Dear Ms. Valois,
    I understand that you are a very talented dancer. You and I both enjoy performances in the theatre. I, myself, design theatres. Though you and me have our similarities, we have quite a few differences. I am not a performer like yourself, therefore I have no clue how it feels to be on stage in front of an audience. I love your work and I think you will become one of the best ballerinas of our time.


  6. Madam, you are commenting on the wrong table! Come to World War One!
